On April 22, 2024, CMS issued the Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule with significant changes impacting payment, operations, oversight, and compliance standards. This rule pairs with two other final rules published in April 2024 focused on improving Medicaid eligibility and access to services and includes some notable differences from the April 2023 proposed rule, particularly on how our clients use state directed payments (SDPs). The effective date of this rule is July 9, 2024, and compliance dates for the highlighted provisions are at the close of this Flash.
This Mercer Government Flash focuses on financial topics, including In Lieu of Services (ILOS), SDPs, medical loss ratios (MLRs), and comparative rate analyses. References to “Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)” include Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans and Prepaid Ambulatory Health Plans. Additionally, you can find our other published Flash focused on quality and access topics, including required appointment wait time and network adequacy standards, annual member experience surveys, new quality rating system (QRS) requirements, and state quality strategies here.
In 2023, CMS released State Medicaid Director Letter 23-001 describing detailed requirements for ILOS. States with existing ILOS were required to comply with the new guidance, including a 5% cap on ILOS expenditures, by the contract rating period beginning on or after January 1, 2024. States adding new ILOS were required to comply with the new guidance immediately. The Final Rule codifies these policies with one substantive change. Instead of requiring ILOS transition plans to be submitted to CMS within 15 calendar days of the decision to terminate an ILOS, states must submit such plans within 30 calendar days.
SDPs have grown in number and cost since first codified in the 2016 Medicaid Managed Rule. In 2022, CMS received almost 300 SDP preprint submissions. In the Final Rule, CMS is finalizing a host of changes to SDP requirements, including the following:
CMS finalized several Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) MLR provisions to improve the transparency and accuracy of MLR reports and remittances, if applicable. The regulations will:
The Final Rule requires Medicaid and CHIP MCOs to complete and states to report to CMS annual provider payment rate analyses for: 1) primary care, OB/GYN, mental health, and substance use disorder (SUD) services relative to Medicare; and 2) homemaker, home health aides, personal care services, and habilitation services relative to Medicaid fee‑for‑services. The payment rate analyses must consider adult and pediatric rates separately, and if there is a difference in payment levels, MCOs are required to submit separate pediatric and adult reports. The comparative rate analyses will be based on paid claims data from the immediate prior rating period.
Policy |
Effective Date |
Codification of CMS’ 2023 ILOS guidance |
First contract/rating period after September 9, 2024 (i.e., January 1, 2025–July 1, 2025, depending on state‑specific contracting/rating year) |
SDPs |
Limited Retroactive Capitation Rate Adjustments for SDPs
SDPs following a Medicare fee schedule no longer require a preprint
State appeal rights for SDPs not approved |
July 9, 2024 (Effective Date of Rule) |
ACR analysis required for preprint approval
VBP measure selection and attribution methodologies |
First contract/rating year period after July 9, 2024 (i.e., January 1, 2025–July 1, 2025, depending on the state‑specific contract/rating year) |
Provider taxes‑related hold harmless attestations required |
First contract/rating year period on or after January 1, 2028 |
VBP payment requirements
SDPs described in MCO contracts
SDP preprint submission timing |
First contract/rating year period after July 9, 2026 (i.e., January 1, 2027–July 1, 2027, depending on state‑specific contract/rating year) |
Separate Payment Terms no longer permitted
Payment Reconciliation prohibited outside of the contract/rating year
SDP cost percentage reporting
Evaluation Plan Requirements |
First contract/rating year period after July 9, 2027 (i.e., January 1, 2028–July 1, 2028, depending on state‑specific contract/rating year) |
Contract and Rate Certification submission timeframes |
First contract/rating year period after July 9, 2028 (i.e., January 1, 2029–July 1, 2029, depending on state‑specific contract/rating year) |
Provider Incentives in Incurred Claims |
First contract/rating year period after July 9, 2025 (i.e. January 1, 2026–July 1, 2026, depending on state‑specific contract/rating year) |
Expense Allocation Methodology |
July 9, 2024 (Effective Date of Rule) |
Comparative Rate Analyses |
Comparative rate analysis for primary care, OB/GYN, mental health, and SUD services relative to Medicare
Comparative rate analysis or homemaker, home health aides, personal care services, and habilitation relative to Medicaid FFS |
First contract/rating year period after July 9, 2026 (i.e., January 1, 2027–July 1, 2027, depending on state‑specific contract/rating year) |
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Mercer Government has conducted reviews on two additional topics within the finalized Final Rule.
Please contact Nicole Kaufman, Charlie Greenberg, or your Mercer consultant to discuss the impact of this change for your specific state programs. You may also email us at mercer.government@mercer.com.
For more information on our insights and services, visit our website: www.mercer-government.mercer.com.
Mercer is not engaged in the practice of law, or in providing advice on taxation matters. This report, which may include commentary on legal or taxation issues or regulations, does not constitute and is not a substitute for legal or taxation advice. Mercer recommends that readers secure the advice of competent legal and taxation counsel with respect to any legal or taxation matters related to this document or otherwise.
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